Personal Trainers

Empower Your Journey to Fitness with Sharyn, Your Personal Trainer

Meet Sharyn, an inspiring Personal Trainer whose own life journey has made her a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals. Having battled autoimmune disease and arthritis, she understands the physical and emotional toll these conditions can take. Yet, her unwavering determination to regain her health and vitality led her to a remarkable transformation. Through sheer resilience and expert guidance, she not only conquered her health challenges but also achieved remarkable weight loss and fitness goals. Also, going through the challenges of menopause, she experienced firsthand the physical and emotional changes it brings. Now, Sharyn uses her profound personal experience to empower others facing similar struggles. Her story is a real life example of the extraordinary human spirit, and she stands as a testament to the incredible potential within all of us to overcome adversity and reach new heights of fitness and well-being. She's here to support and inspire you on your own path to health and fitness success.

Sharyn’s Transformation

Through consistent effort, a balanced diet, and a tailored fitness regimen, Sharyn shed excess weight and embraced a healthier lifestyle. Today, she not only radiates vitality but also inspires those around her to pursue their own journeys to fitness and self-improvement, proving that age is no barrier to achieving one's health and wellness goals.

Elevate Your Fitness Journey with Annette: Your Path to Wellness Partner

Meet Annette, a passionate personal trainer whose journey into the world of fitness was ignited while she herself was on a path of self-discovery. As she embarked on her own fitness journey and found solace in the practice of yoga, she realized her immense love for personal training and the profound impact it could have on individuals' lives. Her experiences working with young people further deepened her commitment to empowering others through fitness. Today, she brings not only her expertise but also her genuine enthusiasm to each training session, fostering a supportive and motivating environment for her clients to achieve their wellness goals. Her unique blend of personal experience and professional training makes her a compassionate and effective personal trainer, and she's dedicated to guiding others toward their own paths of self-improvement and well-being.
Annette has a deep-rooted passion for injury recovery and sports rehabilitation. With a genuine desire to help clients regain their strength and mobility, she's committed to guiding individuals back to peak performance. Annette’s expertise in targeted exercises and injury-specific routines makes her an invaluable asset to those on the path to recovery. Whether you're an athlete aiming for a triumphant comeback or simply seeking to regain your mobility after an injury, Annette is your trusted partner in achieving your rehabilitation goals.

“I also have PT sessions twice a week with Sharyn Gibbons, and would highly recommend her; I find her very well-organised, and the approach to my training regime appears to be quite thorough, with a very varied set of exercises (I am sure no two days have been the same). She has an easy-going manner that I find very positive and relaxed, but at the same time you're always aware that she wouldn't hold back on motivational techniques to help her client reach the next level in their training goals.”
